First off...Mind out of the gutter people...LOL! The only thing "kinky" about me is my HAIR!
For as long as I could remember, I wanted "good" hair! I wanted hair like my mom, aunts, cousins, grandparents and even my uncles. To me, "good hair" is what my mother side of the family had; beautiful, long, wavy and curly. Me...not so much!
My hair was super thick, dry, hard to comb, kinky, nappy, too much work, etc. Now, I don't remember what my natural hair looked like when I was younger. I'm just recapping how my mom would describe my hair when I would ask...LOL!
I would always joke to people about me and my mom's relationship when it came to my hair history. I would say things like, "My Mom didn't love me!" and "I must have really pissed my mom off!"
Why would I say things like that, you ask. Well...let me break down my "Hair History"!
Birth-1st Grade:
Natural Hair / Pressed n Curl
2nd Grade - 3rd Grade:
Jheri Curl (she let some amateur do it...broke off ALL my hair!!!)
4th Grade - 5th Grade:
Relaxed (and this was before relaxer's advertised as being "No Lye Relaxers...OUCH!)
End of 5th Grade - 6th Grade: Jheri Curl (my most embarrassing years!)
7th Grade until 2010: Relaxed, Braids, Relaxed
So after years of stress on my hair, I decided to go back to being me! The me that I never had the chance of getting to know.
Welcome to Pretty Kinky Diva's - Kinky Confessions! I'm here to spill it all...The Good, The Bad, and The Kinky world of Natural Hair!
Keep It Kinky!
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